Hi. My name is Amber, and I'm a neglectful blogger.
I can't imagine how all two of you who read this blog have gotten through the last few weeks without my mind boggling wisdom. (cough, cough) I apologize from the bottom of my very merry heart!
Now, onto jollier things......
The tree is up, the stockings are hung and the nativity set has almost all of its pieces. Its Christmastime, people!
Here are some recent happenings in the Weaver household:
1. Bryson jumping from one couch to the other, resulting in his first busted nose.
2. His mom freaked out about #1
3. Bryson making up his own versions of classic Christmas songs....(videos to come)
4. Lots of Christmas cookie making and decorating
5. Bryson only coming up with two things he wants for Christmas.....and they are small and inexpensive. Praise Jesus!
6. Family Christmas picture....if you are on my parent's mailing list you will see that Bryson decided to be the family clown. Where did he come from?
7. Me trying to remember all kinds of stuff to blog about.....
8. Forgeting to do #7..........
Happy Holidays! Prepare Him room, people!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Still Kickin'.....
I've got about a second to post....
Sorry there hasn't been much blogging lately. We've found ourselves very busy....and without internet! Eeeeek!
All is well. We are gearing up for the holidays and family time! We are so excited to spend time with the people we love and don't get to see very often!
We wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving!
more blogging to come.....I'm almost sure of it!!
Sorry there hasn't been much blogging lately. We've found ourselves very busy....and without internet! Eeeeek!
All is well. We are gearing up for the holidays and family time! We are so excited to spend time with the people we love and don't get to see very often!
We wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving!
more blogging to come.....I'm almost sure of it!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Bedtime Prayers
The following is the conversation I just had with the mister while puting him to bed....
Me: Bryson be still and fold your hands so we can say our prayers...
Bryson: (not being still...looking at his hands suspiciously)
Me: Bryson, please be still and fold your hands...
Bryson: (sticking his hand in my face)...I can't say my prayers, there's a booger on my finger.....
Oh what a spiritual household this is!!!
Me: Bryson be still and fold your hands so we can say our prayers...
Bryson: (not being still...looking at his hands suspiciously)
Me: Bryson, please be still and fold your hands...
Bryson: (sticking his hand in my face)...I can't say my prayers, there's a booger on my finger.....
Oh what a spiritual household this is!!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Complete Nostalgia
October 19th, 2008 had been a long time coming. Some old friends came to town, and I'm never one to pass up a reunion.....okay, that's a lie - but I could NOT pass this one up. Joey, Jordan, Jonathan, Danny and Donnie.....known to regular people as New Kids On The Block....invited me and some friends to their show. And by 'invited' I mean their tour manager booked a date in Dallas at AAC and then made tickets available for purchase. That's the same thing, right?

The best thing about it was the tickets were FREE.....and AWESOME. SuperFriends, Dee and Jodi, scored six amazing tickets from some poor souls who do not appreciate mediocre music from THE original boy band. LUCKY US!!!
Can I just tell you, this was the most fun I've had in a while. We started the pre-show at Chuy's for some Mexican food and...well, fun.... There were so many tables filled with women who had not out-grown their love for NKOTB....we were in glad company.
We got to our seats right before the opening act took the stage....it was Natasha Beddingfield. She was FABULOUS....minus her mullet.
And then it happened......the lights went down and women now in there 20's and 30's were screaming as if it were 1993 all over again. It was INSANE, people. I mean, the arena was sold out. Wall to wall females unleashing the love they've had bottled up for 15 years for 5 not-so-young boy-banders who stole their hearts.
Lets just be honest for a second..... these guys (now men) are on tour again because they have probably either incurred some debt, spent their kids' college fund or had to find some way to pay for the messy divorce they are going through. But, I'm so glad they did. It provided a perfect girl's night out.
Here are some pics and video from the awesomeness that is NKOTB......
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Picture Pages......
Does anyone remember that Bill Cosby kids show?? I loved the 'picture pages' segment. Anywho, I'm not here to bore you with my childhood memories. I have exciting news..... My camera has finally found its way out of the bottom of my purse! YAY! Since I last posted a picture of our only begotten on here, I have taken 76 pictures. No way am I posting all of them!
But I will post some of my favorites.
Bryson and Tatem before their slumber party even started!

Bryson got to see his cousin, Holden, play football at SMU (not for SMU, he's only 8). Bryson LOVED it and let me know that when he turns 4 he will be playing football! Thanks for the warning!
Just wrestling a longhorn for our Aggie friends!!

On daddy's day off we went to the splash park by our house....

"hiding" from dad.....
Before our flight to AR.....forever ago, just thought this was cute!
But I will post some of my favorites.
On a side note, my 3 year old boy is now in 4T pants. Can I object to that??? It breaks my heart in senseless ways every time I get him dressed. I'm so pathetic! I'm gonna need a $700 billion bailout for his winter wardrobe! :)
On to the pics.....
Bryson and Tatem before their slumber party even started!
Bryson got to see his cousin, Holden, play football at SMU (not for SMU, he's only 8). Bryson LOVED it and let me know that when he turns 4 he will be playing football! Thanks for the warning!
Just wrestling a longhorn for our Aggie friends!!
On daddy's day off we went to the splash park by our house....
"hiding" from dad.....
Before our flight to AR.....forever ago, just thought this was cute!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Not For Mommies.....
The weather has been ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL lately. I'm thinking Fall could actually be a possibility this year in North Texas!! Woohoo!
So, Mr. Bryson and I have had quite a bit of playtime outside this week. We've been playing ourselves silly in the backyard and having so much fun. He was swinging the other day, wanting to push him so high "so I can see the Americal flag over there" (our neighbors have an American flag....he's just learned the pledge so he's all about it....another blog, another time). After about five minutes, and my biceps burning from pushing him, he decides its his turn to push me. How sweet, I thought.
I sit down, he tries to push me with all his 3 year old might......I don't budge. He stepped back and said "Um, I just fink this swing isn't for mommies"......"MY TURN".
How cute, right?
Yeah, well don't think I'm above showing a preschooler how high his mommy can swing! I'm shameless.
So, Mr. Bryson and I have had quite a bit of playtime outside this week. We've been playing ourselves silly in the backyard and having so much fun. He was swinging the other day, wanting to push him so high "so I can see the Americal flag over there" (our neighbors have an American flag....he's just learned the pledge so he's all about it....another blog, another time). After about five minutes, and my biceps burning from pushing him, he decides its his turn to push me. How sweet, I thought.
I sit down, he tries to push me with all his 3 year old might......I don't budge. He stepped back and said "Um, I just fink this swing isn't for mommies"......"MY TURN".
How cute, right?
Yeah, well don't think I'm above showing a preschooler how high his mommy can swing! I'm shameless.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Rebellion Is Bound In The Heart Of A Child....
One word: OREOS
One delicious little cookie that causes a three year old to stumble in his quest for obedience.
Bryson and his daddy share a special bond that involves Oreos. I'm not a huge fan of them, but its cute to watch them inhale and entire package in one sitting. Oh, I kid......sort of.
Bryson knows that we can't have Oreos all the time. They are a special reward.
So, the other morning he comes into my room with Oreos all over his mouth and this is our conversation that followed.....
Me: (I'm just looking at him like 'you've got to be kidding me')
Bryson: Mama, I didn't get the Oreos, I was just checkin' on 'em.......to make sure them was safe.
Me: Really? Bryson, whats all over your face?
Bryson: Well, I just got a little bit dirty. (And then he ran out of the room).
Lucky for him, my rod of correction was lost in the move.
Help me, Lord Jesus!
One delicious little cookie that causes a three year old to stumble in his quest for obedience.
Bryson and his daddy share a special bond that involves Oreos. I'm not a huge fan of them, but its cute to watch them inhale and entire package in one sitting. Oh, I kid......sort of.
Bryson knows that we can't have Oreos all the time. They are a special reward.
So, the other morning he comes into my room with Oreos all over his mouth and this is our conversation that followed.....
Me: (I'm just looking at him like 'you've got to be kidding me')
Bryson: Mama, I didn't get the Oreos, I was just checkin' on 'em.......to make sure them was safe.
Me: Really? Bryson, whats all over your face?
Bryson: Well, I just got a little bit dirty. (And then he ran out of the room).
Lucky for him, my rod of correction was lost in the move.
Help me, Lord Jesus!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Familiar Chaos......
After almost eight months of upheaval, I'm starting to see a hint of familiarity. Although, I'm not exactly sure what it is that looks so familiar. Bryson sleeping in his own bed? (Can I get an 'Amen') Conversation not completely consumed with 'freaking out'? Looking up for five seconds to notice that my world is actually not falling apart? I'm gonna go with D - All of the Above. Whatever the reason, a change of season is coming.....and I'm thankful. Not because I know that sunshine and roses is all that lies ahead, but because I am increasingly aware of where we've been and who has brought us through. I know this is vague...and that's on purpose. I am admittedly horrible with vulnerability. But I just need to express my gratitude to some VERY special people who saw passed that and have been a very present help in a certain time of need.
Thanks is not enough.....but your love is.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Aaaaaaand We're Back......
I'm so sorry I've been giving y'all the silent treatment for the past couple of weeks. I haven't broken up with you..... Its not you...Its me ....I hope we can still be friends.
Over the past week we have played house swap with two other families. Now, I know none of you can relate to this, but I tend to not have an abundance of faith when it comes to uncertain circumstances..(i.e. my life)...and these 'circumstances' tend to happen every five minutes. What?? Am I missing a point here?? :)
Just listen to how good God is at His job....its just like Him to show off like this....
So, our lease was about to be up in our apartment. Our apartment was lovely, but I did NOT want to renew our lease. We need a yard. Time was running out, and my hair was falling out from a little bit of stress. Just a little bit. I'm pretty sure I was 10 minutes away from Shingles. Not good.
Then....guess what just so happened.....(short version)...The M's bought a house; The V's move to the M's abode; The Weavers (that's US) move to the V's house.
YAY! ....and we all lived happily ever after...for five more minutes
Bryson doesn't quite understand whats going on yet....he thinks we're having a really long slumber party at TreyMan's house. Bless his heart. But he loves playing in the backyard in his underwear. He's such a boy!
I'm tired and sore from moving all of our life's stuff.....so, I'm gonna go try to take a night time nap.
Over the past week we have played house swap with two other families. Now, I know none of you can relate to this, but I tend to not have an abundance of faith when it comes to uncertain circumstances..(i.e. my life)...and these 'circumstances' tend to happen every five minutes. What?? Am I missing a point here?? :)
Just listen to how good God is at His job....its just like Him to show off like this....
So, our lease was about to be up in our apartment. Our apartment was lovely, but I did NOT want to renew our lease. We need a yard. Time was running out, and my hair was falling out from a little bit of stress. Just a little bit. I'm pretty sure I was 10 minutes away from Shingles. Not good.
Then....guess what just so happened.....(short version)...The M's bought a house; The V's move to the M's abode; The Weavers (that's US) move to the V's house.
YAY! ....and we all lived happily ever after...for five more minutes
Bryson doesn't quite understand whats going on yet....he thinks we're having a really long slumber party at TreyMan's house. Bless his heart. But he loves playing in the backyard in his underwear. He's such a boy!
I'm tired and sore from moving all of our life's stuff.....so, I'm gonna go try to take a night time nap.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Olympic Feats At 30,000 ft
Let me tell you a little story, K?.....
Bryson and I flew to Arkansas for the weekend to do a little visiting. The flight there was fun and exciting. Bryson kept yelling 'I CAN'T HEAR, MOM'.....'IT'S SO LOUD, MOM'....'WHERE ARE THE BIRDS, MOM'.... Luckily everyone around us happened to enjoy loud, cute children. And who doesn't really??
The flight back home had some interesting twists. Bryson and I picked our seats (hehehe), and by God's goodness, we got a row all to ourselves. We grabbed a little snack before the flight, so I was helping the mister finish his, got him all buckled in...as we taxi down the runway. About the time the little wheels reach for the sky, Bryson yells (because he obviously cannot control the volume of his voice)..."Mom, I meed to go potty". To which I say "Of course you do".
I think its so funny which life moments reveal the depth of your spirituality. For example, I now know that I can pray as fervently for a family crisis as I do for my child's bladder at a most inconvenient moment. I am here to testify that we serve a Mighty God who can hold off a 3 year old's 'business' until cruising altitude. He is truly worthy of some praise here, people.
As soon we had leveled off up in the clouds, we made our move to the 'lavatory'.....(why can't it just be called the restroom??) We managed to origami ourselves into a three inch space so this little tot could finally get some relief. Can I just say that turbulence is not a friend to a little guy who's only been potty-trained for four months. Despite his best effort, our Mr. Bryson found it very hard to match the perfect 'aim' he has on land. He kept saying "I CAN'T BE STILL"....I was cracking up at what was going on in that fancy 'lavatory'. When he was finished, I showed him the button that flushes the toilet......the loud suction noise scared him so bad, he shivered all over for about ten seconds. I was crying from laughter as we were bouncing back to our seats. When I got him all buckled in again, he looked at me and said "I just can't be big enough for that potty, mom".......And he slept the rest of the way home.
Bryson and I flew to Arkansas for the weekend to do a little visiting. The flight there was fun and exciting. Bryson kept yelling 'I CAN'T HEAR, MOM'.....'IT'S SO LOUD, MOM'....'WHERE ARE THE BIRDS, MOM'.... Luckily everyone around us happened to enjoy loud, cute children. And who doesn't really??
The flight back home had some interesting twists. Bryson and I picked our seats (hehehe), and by God's goodness, we got a row all to ourselves. We grabbed a little snack before the flight, so I was helping the mister finish his, got him all buckled in...as we taxi down the runway. About the time the little wheels reach for the sky, Bryson yells (because he obviously cannot control the volume of his voice)..."Mom, I meed to go potty". To which I say "Of course you do".
I think its so funny which life moments reveal the depth of your spirituality. For example, I now know that I can pray as fervently for a family crisis as I do for my child's bladder at a most inconvenient moment. I am here to testify that we serve a Mighty God who can hold off a 3 year old's 'business' until cruising altitude. He is truly worthy of some praise here, people.
As soon we had leveled off up in the clouds, we made our move to the 'lavatory'.....(why can't it just be called the restroom??) We managed to origami ourselves into a three inch space so this little tot could finally get some relief. Can I just say that turbulence is not a friend to a little guy who's only been potty-trained for four months. Despite his best effort, our Mr. Bryson found it very hard to match the perfect 'aim' he has on land. He kept saying "I CAN'T BE STILL"....I was cracking up at what was going on in that fancy 'lavatory'. When he was finished, I showed him the button that flushes the toilet......the loud suction noise scared him so bad, he shivered all over for about ten seconds. I was crying from laughter as we were bouncing back to our seats. When I got him all buckled in again, he looked at me and said "I just can't be big enough for that potty, mom".......And he slept the rest of the way home.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Rough Start
The strong-willed monster has reared its ugly head this morning.
After we Bryson and I snuggled in bed for a while, while watching cartoons, we had this conversation.
Bryson: Mama, can you get me a drink?
Me: Sure baby, you want some milk?
Bryson: Yep, Chocolate milk.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry we don't have any chocolate milk.
Bryson: "Don't argue me mama, I meed some chocolate milk"
Me: aaaaand.......TIMEOUT!
And on his way to his Time-out spot he was saying "I'm so so sorry mama, I just love chocolate milk so so much".....
I can't be all that upset because I'm pretty sure the chocolate milk gene came from me!
I need some new mercies this morning!!
After we Bryson and I snuggled in bed for a while, while watching cartoons, we had this conversation.
Bryson: Mama, can you get me a drink?
Me: Sure baby, you want some milk?
Bryson: Yep, Chocolate milk.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry we don't have any chocolate milk.
Bryson: "Don't argue me mama, I meed some chocolate milk"
Me: aaaaand.......TIMEOUT!
And on his way to his Time-out spot he was saying "I'm so so sorry mama, I just love chocolate milk so so much".....
I can't be all that upset because I'm pretty sure the chocolate milk gene came from me!
I need some new mercies this morning!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Inside Out
Okay, so before you think I'm running some sort of child labor ring, hear me out. Our Mr. Bryson loves, LOVES, to help me out with household chores. That is truly an alien characteristic to me, so I have no idea where he gets it. I certainly don't enjoy it.....and, well, we all know his daddy didn't influence him on that!
I was doing my normal five things at one time the other day, with the mr following my every step. I had a wild idea and decided to see if he could successfully get the clothes out of the dryer and into the basket. He is advanced for a three year old, after all!
When I was done loading the dishwasher, I came to check on his progress. And HE DID IT!! Only his method was to get in the dryer and throw the clothes in the basket from the inside out.
I think I might try that next time!!
I was doing my normal five things at one time the other day, with the mr following my every step. I had a wild idea and decided to see if he could successfully get the clothes out of the dryer and into the basket. He is advanced for a three year old, after all!
When I was done loading the dishwasher, I came to check on his progress. And HE DID IT!! Only his method was to get in the dryer and throw the clothes in the basket from the inside out.
I think I might try that next time!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Cure All
People, my kid is a FREAK about band-aids. Just this summer alone we've gone through about eight boxes. He has often been known to put band-aids on his moles....for lack of real boo-boos. The other day I hear Bryson whine a little from the other room, then he tells himself "oh, I meed a band-aid". Obviously be bumped his head on something.......or he didn't. He's getting creative with his bandaging........this was his first uni-brow incident.
Now, join me in some praise when I tell you that his eyebrows stayed in their rightful place upon removal of the magic band-aid.
Now, join me in some praise when I tell you that his eyebrows stayed in their rightful place upon removal of the magic band-aid.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
God Is Strong
So, a couple of Sundays ago I picked up Mr. Bryson from his class. He had a necklace on, that I assume was the craft for the day.....because nothing says 'hey, I just came from church' like a good macaroni craft. I digress. The necklace, in all it's macaroni glory, had a piece of construction paper on it that said 'God Is Strong'. Being the good mother that I am, I proceeded to interrogate the Mr to see what he had learned that day.....and also to make sure his teachers were doctrinally sound.
Our conversation was as follows:
Me: Hey buddy, what did you learn in church today?
Bryson: I learned about God and Jesus.
Me: (so far, so good teachers)....what did you learn about God?
Bryson: (Blank stare) I meed to go potty.
Me: Okay, did you learn that God is strong? (helping a toddler out- pointing to the craft)
Bryson: Yep
Me: How is God strong?
Bryson: Him keelt some guy, He's big and strong. (While showing me his muscles)
Me: Well, maybe next Sunday......
Our conversation was as follows:
Me: Hey buddy, what did you learn in church today?
Bryson: I learned about God and Jesus.
Me: (so far, so good teachers)....what did you learn about God?
Bryson: (Blank stare) I meed to go potty.
Me: Okay, did you learn that God is strong? (helping a toddler out- pointing to the craft)
Bryson: Yep
Me: How is God strong?
Bryson: Him keelt some guy, He's big and strong. (While showing me his muscles)
Me: Well, maybe next Sunday......
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
And Then......
Apparently I was not prepared for life with a three year old..... or maybe its just a coincidence that I have been able to accomplish absolutely nothing in the past week and a half.
Your everyday Superhero....
The latest addition to his collection
There may have been adults in the bounce house......
Before I brief you on the birthday extravaganza, I have to tell you about last Tuesday. Its taken me a week to recover.
Okay, so we all know how wonderful Mr. Bryson is..right? Right. Well, if my memory is correct (I've tried to block it out) last Tuesday was an 18 hour meltdown from Hades. Mr. Bryson is not prone to meltdowns......whining, yes.....meltdowns, NO. Which also means that his parents are not use to 'parenting' during said meltdowns. I really need to brush up on my mommy toughness, and maybe read through some Dobson books again. There was screaming, whaling, gnashing of teeth.....and that was just from me! Thankfully, the storm passed after about 12 time-outs and some very serious tone-age of voice. Praise Jesus, my sweet boy returned the next morning!! And you will all be happy to know he gives me a heads up on what kind of boy he's going to be for the day! So far its been "mommy, I'm probably just gonna be a good boy today". WHEW!!!
Okay, enough of that. Here are some pictures from happier times! Thanks to Meme & Papa and Aunt Vickie & Uncle Kyle for hosting the great toddler invasion! We love you so much.
Your everyday Superhero....
The latest addition to his collection
There may have been adults in the bounce house......
The Meems....she's the greatest!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
THE Mr. Bryson
My baby is 3!
How in the world has time flown so fast? It seems like he should be five minutes old, and I should still be giddy from my epidural. God bless that magic juice!! At the same time, I feel like I've known him forever. Was there life before this precious tot came to join us? I can barely remember it.
I remember when I met Jesus. I remember some of high school and college. I remember getting married. I remember parts of our first two years of marriage.......then, I remember seeing that ONE pill I missed. Praise God for forgetfulness!
You know how women tend to be a little hormonal when the preggo-ness sets in? I was completely irrational. Most women, from what I hear, have common fears like if their baby will be healthy, a decent member of society, etc. My two biggest fears were that my baby would have no personality and it would be ugly. If you'd seen my baby pictures you would understand why I feared the latter. Don't judge me!
In my third trimester, my doctor had a feeling that something might be wrong with Bryson's heart. It was shaped weird, could cause problems, yada, yada, yada. I never really worried about it - which was even more irrational. I knew God was the creator of that tiny man's heart, and He alone would inspect, diagnose and cure. My doctor made me go have one of those 4D Ultrasounds done with 'the Specialist'. I feel like I need that title! So, Nathan loaded me and my 60 lb. belly into the car and headed to our 'Special' doctor...for our 'Special' baby. That was the day I became completely worthless. When that picture popped up on the T.V. screen, it felt like Bryson reached up and grabbed my heart and hasn't let go since. There was nothing wrong with his heart.....he just wanted us to get a better look at him. Those cheeks!! It looked like Casper the Friendly ghost was in my belly! Those lips! I couldn't wait to kiss them! We only had to wait a few more weeks to meet him.
I feel like I should inject a show of public gratitude to my husband for enduring nine months of my craziness.....okay, its more like five years of it but whatever! Nathan, you are my favorite man! Thank you for loving me in all my madness......and thank you for that little man. You are an incredible father. I love how you love our son. You are our hero!
On June 22nd, from the moment Bryson was born, my former fears held no merit. He was and is the cutest, most lively and funny beings I have ever met. His sanguine personality rivals my own, which makes me one proud mama, and keeps his daddy cracking up. Those of you who know him, know that he makes an audience of anyone he encounters. He is the pure JOY of his parents. The delight of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and buddies.
I do understand that every mother in the world feels this way about their children. I don't think my boy is better than any other little boy......I'm just so glad I got this one.
Speaking of being my joy, as I am typing this he just let me know that he 'keelt a bug in the udder room' with my Blackberry. JOY, people......pure joy.
I just can't wait to meet his possible brothers and sisters.
No, I'm not......but thanks for wondering! :)
Happy Birthday Mr. Bryson!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Arranged Marriage??
I am fairly certain I have found Bryson's wife! And after only a few play dates!
Chrissa and I took the tots to the mall for a little indoor playtime. Praise Jesus for indoor playgrounds when it is a zillion degrees outside!!
Bryson and Kaedyn (a.k.a "that girl" - by Bryson) played so good together while the moms watched after Kenzie (little sister) and had a little visit. What I think is amazing about play dates is the depth of conversation that can be had between the moms in a few run-on sentences, while running to the aid of falling/thirsty/hungry/lovely children. We truly are multi-taskers.
Here are a couple of pics of the lovely couple........
.....and they already have something in common: Chick-fil-A sweet tea.
I'm pretty sure we're gonna drink that in Heaven.

Chrissa and I took the tots to the mall for a little indoor playtime. Praise Jesus for indoor playgrounds when it is a zillion degrees outside!!
Bryson and Kaedyn (a.k.a "that girl" - by Bryson) played so good together while the moms watched after Kenzie (little sister) and had a little visit. What I think is amazing about play dates is the depth of conversation that can be had between the moms in a few run-on sentences, while running to the aid of falling/thirsty/hungry/lovely children. We truly are multi-taskers.
Here are a couple of pics of the lovely couple........
.....and they already have something in common: Chick-fil-A sweet tea.
I'm pretty sure we're gonna drink that in Heaven.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Planet Hero Invasion....'08
It was a short visit, but we had a good time. We even got to go to the movies right before they had to head back home!!!
Here are some pics...
Bryson and Uncle Nick
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Fruit Roll-up
I'm sure every mom thinks their child is brilliant. But my boy.....well......he continues to prove his specialness.
This is a conversation I had with him about an hour ago.
Mom: Bryson, wanna eat a fruit roll up? (knowing this will be his first roll-up, I totally think he can handle it)
Bryson: Momma, you're so nice.
Mom: I need a kiss first
Bryson: How about later?
Mom: NOW
After about 5 minutes of him snacking on his roll-up, I go to check on him and see that there are holes in the paper part of this fructose filled snack.
Bryson: I know. Can we go look for rollie-pollie's outside?
Oh lawd! My kid eats paper.....and likes it!
This is a conversation I had with him about an hour ago.
Mom: Bryson, wanna eat a fruit roll up? (knowing this will be his first roll-up, I totally think he can handle it)
Bryson: Momma, you're so nice.
Mom: I need a kiss first
Bryson: How about later?
Mom: NOW
After about 5 minutes of him snacking on his roll-up, I go to check on him and see that there are holes in the paper part of this fructose filled snack.
Bryson: I know. Can we go look for rollie-pollie's outside?
Oh lawd! My kid eats paper.....and likes it!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wedding Weekend!!
Whew! We had a full weekend. Thursday afternoon we headed to Houston with Rob, Amy and Treyman for Tim and Lydia's wedding, which the boys were in. When we arrived, we headed straight to the tux place to try on the 'fancy suits', as Bryson called it. As soon as I buttoned the top button on Bryson's shirt he started making this gagging sound and telling me he was choking. Good times!
Everything fit good, so we headed to Nanna and Pop's house for a little visit, then we went to our hotel for the night. Friday morning we returned to N and P's for some fine family fun....and the boys did some swimming even though their lips were blue and their teeth were chattering because the water was a little chilly.
I was able to sneak away for about an hour to have lunch with Kimberly and Nancy, who are some precious friends. I was so glad to see them and get to visit. Thanks again, girls!
After an easy afternoon we headed to rehearsal. Fabulous rehearsal. The boys did so good. Then we went to Pappadeaux for the dinner! YUM!! Bryson and Trey worked the room like nobody's bidness!! It was too cute.
The wedding came and the boys knocked it out like champs. They were ADORABLE. This was Bryson's first wedding to be in and he did so good. Bryson was the ring bearer and Trey was the 'bell ringer'......if you asked Bryson what Trey's job was he would tell you 'he's the dinger'. Trey was such a good cousin to show Bryson exactly what to do. They are both getting so big.
At the reception, Trey and Bryson were the main occupiers of the dance floor. We did the Cha-Cha Slide and both boys looked like rock stars. They have rhythm that neither of them got from their dads!!!
We had so much fun celebrating with Tim and Lydia. They are precious to our family, and we pray God's favor on their marriage.
Random fact about Houston: You have to chew the air in order to breathe.......God bless the people who live in Houston.......they should all carry around oxygen bottles! :)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mudder's Day
Simply put, I am crazy about my son.
I love him like crazy and he drives me crazy.
Its just big crazy fun. I love getting to know his almost 3 year old mind, and seeing everything brand new through him. I'm so thankful that God made him especially for us, and pray that we will be found trustworthy of His gift. Its just unreasonable to be a part of something so amazing, so beyond me. I'm more convinced than ever that God gives us kids so we can see Him better, trust Him more and understand His love as much as humanly possible.
I concede that my mom knows more about mothering than I do! She gets smarter with every question I ask her.........and for all of her strengths and weaknesses, I am a better wife and mother. Thank you, mom, for being a great example of a mother......for teaching me to have so much fun with my son while being an example to him. You're a rock star of a mom. I love you....more than my luggage!
As Bryson said to me all day yesterday....and still today....Happy Mudder's Day to all of you moms, expecting moms, or moms expecting to expect!! :)
I love him like crazy and he drives me crazy.
Its just big crazy fun. I love getting to know his almost 3 year old mind, and seeing everything brand new through him. I'm so thankful that God made him especially for us, and pray that we will be found trustworthy of His gift. Its just unreasonable to be a part of something so amazing, so beyond me. I'm more convinced than ever that God gives us kids so we can see Him better, trust Him more and understand His love as much as humanly possible.
I concede that my mom knows more about mothering than I do! She gets smarter with every question I ask her.........and for all of her strengths and weaknesses, I am a better wife and mother. Thank you, mom, for being a great example of a mother......for teaching me to have so much fun with my son while being an example to him. You're a rock star of a mom. I love you....more than my luggage!
As Bryson said to me all day yesterday....and still today....Happy Mudder's Day to all of you moms, expecting moms, or moms expecting to expect!! :)
Thursday, May 8, 2008
I am officially the most bummed out I've ever been. and now that I've typed that, the other shoe will soon be falling :)
For the last couple of months, which have been hard in and of themselves, I have had my sights set on June 18th. That may be just another day to you....(or maybe its your anniversary, nikki).... But to me it was the day that one of my life-long dreams would come true - and by 'life-long, I mean the last two years. Same thing, right!
My superhero of a sister had a business trip to New Jersey planned, so she invited me to go and thought it was be fun if we ran into THE CITY (yeah, NYC) to see the Broadway musical WICKED...... which I have not seen......and happened to be obsessed with. I was so excited I might have peed my pants when she proposed the idea. I told my husband of our plans and booked my flight with great anticipation.......
Then yesterday happened.......
The following is the transcript of the text messages in which Amy killed my dreams....
Amy: Sad news...can't go to NYC anymore.
Amber: (inner monologue: am I seeing this right? could this be true? did she just break my heart in a text message? there's not even a text frowny face there? is it April fool's day?)
Amber: WHY??????????
Amy: They don't want us going for cross-training there
Amber: (Who is "They" and why do "They" hate me?) What's a musical lovin' girl to do - I've already booked my flight......do "they" have no heart??
Amy: You can call and cancel it and use your miles for another trip.
Yeah, that happened.
I'll be sitting here with my hard hat on, waiting for the other stiletto to fall if anyone needs me.
Have a lovely day
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Okay, I'm over being mad about my speeding ticket, so I can blog again.

Jodi and I have a new BFF......Josh Turner, yeah- the country music singer. All I have to say is Good Times!!! And he love Jesus which makes him even better! Thank you Jodi for taking me! Love, love, love you!

Because he's about to be 3......and I'm sad....
First things first.....
Jodi and I have a new BFF......Josh Turner, yeah- the country music singer. All I have to say is Good Times!!! And he love Jesus which makes him even better! Thank you Jodi for taking me! Love, love, love you!
And on to Mr. Bryson......He's been in rare form lately. Every sentence starts with 'Once upon a time when I was a little boy......". Its hilarious watching his little mind work. We took a trip to Arkansas last weekend and had fun with the fam. We even got to see the Newtons, who we haven't seen since we moved! It was really good to see them and play for a bit. If I was smart I would've taken a picture to post.....maybe next time.
Here are some random pics and such.....
We were at Target with Clyde and Kiki....trying on hats.
Monday, April 14, 2008
"Put Your Hands Where I Can See Them"
Its My Birthday!!! YAY! I love birthdays, they're my favorite!
My first birthday gift came last Friday from the Allen Police Department. In 25 years I could actually say that I was perfect at something...Driving. No tickets. ZERO. Then, out of nowhere, Mr. Dream killer woke up from his nap in his cruiser to catch me going 56 in a 45. Curse those radar guns!
Bryson thought it was fun that we had a visitor in the middle of the road. When the gentleman came to my window Bryson hollered (cause thats the only way Bryson can talk) "Hey mom, can I talk to that guy?" To which I said "only if you will ask him to spare my life, bank account, and perfect driving record". The cop thought that was funny........but not funny enough. I'm obviously losing my gift.
It put me in such a bad mood. Apparently God was sifting some pride that I held about my perfect driving.
Thanks God.
Point taken.
Drive safely everyone!
My first birthday gift came last Friday from the Allen Police Department. In 25 years I could actually say that I was perfect at something...Driving. No tickets. ZERO. Then, out of nowhere, Mr. Dream killer woke up from his nap in his cruiser to catch me going 56 in a 45. Curse those radar guns!
Bryson thought it was fun that we had a visitor in the middle of the road. When the gentleman came to my window Bryson hollered (cause thats the only way Bryson can talk) "Hey mom, can I talk to that guy?" To which I said "only if you will ask him to spare my life, bank account, and perfect driving record". The cop thought that was funny........but not funny enough. I'm obviously losing my gift.
It put me in such a bad mood. Apparently God was sifting some pride that I held about my perfect driving.
Thanks God.
Point taken.
Drive safely everyone!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Marathon? What Marathon?
Hello to all five viewers of this blog! Bless all of your hearts, and thanks for stopping by! Sorry about being AWOL lately. I've been very busy with Bryson and visitors and taking naps......I think naps are a gift from God.
So, yesterday was the Big D Marathon. Amy and I were lacing up around 5:45am (on a Sunday morning, people) and sort of ready to go. This was our first attempt at anything this crazy, and I'm fairly certain that if you said the word 'marathon' to Amy right now, she would throw up on you. That's how much she loved it! Keep in mind we only did the half-marathon. So, at 7:30am we had 13.something miles ahead of us and we planned to tackle them one baby-step at a time, like champs. It was chilly outside, which was a huge blessing, no sunshine and lots of nice people cheering us on along the way. We walked our little booties off around the cutest neighborhoods, White Rock lake and charming little parks. We even ventured into the Projects a little. Good thing Amy brought her 9mm and I had my sling shot!! :) Don't worry, we didn't have to use them!
I have to say that I am enormously proud of Amy for doing this. She's always been our 'indoors' girl, so she literally went outside of her box to accomplish this task. She's a rock star in my book! Good job sis!
How did we do, you ask? Well, 3 hours and 50 minutes later we crossed the finish line and collected our medals. I was pretty sure we were going to get one of those flowery wreaths they give the winning horse at the Kentucky Derby, but whatever. Nathan, Bryson, Trey and Rob met us at the finish line with wheelchairs to take us to the hospital......or the car, same thing. Maybe they didn't have wheelchairs, I was in a delusional state by then. The next thing I remember is taking some ibuprofen and slipping off into a deep deep sleep.......and it was glorious!
If you feel the need to give us a standing ovation right there at your computer, go ahead - no one's looking!
So, yesterday was the Big D Marathon. Amy and I were lacing up around 5:45am (on a Sunday morning, people) and sort of ready to go. This was our first attempt at anything this crazy, and I'm fairly certain that if you said the word 'marathon' to Amy right now, she would throw up on you. That's how much she loved it! Keep in mind we only did the half-marathon. So, at 7:30am we had 13.something miles ahead of us and we planned to tackle them one baby-step at a time, like champs. It was chilly outside, which was a huge blessing, no sunshine and lots of nice people cheering us on along the way. We walked our little booties off around the cutest neighborhoods, White Rock lake and charming little parks. We even ventured into the Projects a little. Good thing Amy brought her 9mm and I had my sling shot!! :) Don't worry, we didn't have to use them!
I have to say that I am enormously proud of Amy for doing this. She's always been our 'indoors' girl, so she literally went outside of her box to accomplish this task. She's a rock star in my book! Good job sis!
How did we do, you ask? Well, 3 hours and 50 minutes later we crossed the finish line and collected our medals. I was pretty sure we were going to get one of those flowery wreaths they give the winning horse at the Kentucky Derby, but whatever. Nathan, Bryson, Trey and Rob met us at the finish line with wheelchairs to take us to the hospital......or the car, same thing. Maybe they didn't have wheelchairs, I was in a delusional state by then. The next thing I remember is taking some ibuprofen and slipping off into a deep deep sleep.......and it was glorious!
If you feel the need to give us a standing ovation right there at your computer, go ahead - no one's looking!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Anybody Out There?
Just a heads up, Bryson's Mom may be going on a Blogger strike soon if there aren't some more comments posted for Bryson. She is feeling a little under appreciated like there is nobody out there ooohhh-ing and aaawww-ing over our son.
If you are out there let us know and we (she) will keep posting pics.
If you are out there let us know and we (she) will keep posting pics.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Weekend
Easter Weekend was a busy one for us. We spent sometime at the lake house for a little relaxing (sorry no pics....it was that relaxing). Bryson made a new friend, who happens to be a goose. He called her 'mother goose' and loved to feed her crackers while daddy was fishing.
We spent Saturday at Nonnie and Poppie's house hunting eggs, dying eggs, eating candy, then dinner, then some more candy. I need to get Bryson's Easter theology on video and post it because its hilarious.
Sunday after church we headed to Meme and Papa's for lunch and another egg hunt. Papa is famous for his egg hunts! Love that guy! Bryson got to play with his cousins Tatem, Dakota and Jordan. He loves his little buddies!
Hope you all had a fabulous Easter! He is Risen!!
Bryson hunting eggs with Holly

The Hollen's....wearing orange

Easter pic with Meme and Papa

The inferior DNA that created the Superior Mr. Bryson
We spent Saturday at Nonnie and Poppie's house hunting eggs, dying eggs, eating candy, then dinner, then some more candy. I need to get Bryson's Easter theology on video and post it because its hilarious.
Sunday after church we headed to Meme and Papa's for lunch and another egg hunt. Papa is famous for his egg hunts! Love that guy! Bryson got to play with his cousins Tatem, Dakota and Jordan. He loves his little buddies!
Hope you all had a fabulous Easter! He is Risen!!
Bryson hunting eggs with Holly
The Hollen's....wearing orange
Easter pic with Meme and Papa
The inferior DNA that created the Superior Mr. Bryson
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Caped Crusader- ish
Disclaimer: Bryson wore this 'cape' while under intense maternal supervision. So don't freak out.
We are in crisis potty-training mode at our house right now. So, needless to say, we aren't getting out much. This also means that Bryson hasn't been wearing clothes, except for his cute little undies. I'm not sure what it is about him not wearing clothes. I mean, not everyday can be naked Thursday (i.e. Friends)!!! I'm trying to choose my battles wisely, and right now my battle is with the potty - so a naked boy I shall have!
Today was a gloomy, stormy day. Translation - the satellite went out so we had to think up fun things to do that didn't involve cartoons.
The result.......
He thought this one up all by himself! Mama's so proud!! In case you weren't aware - he did save the day!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Snow....In March.....In Dallas......WHAT?
That's right! Monday night we got about 2 inches of snow. And today its 70 degrees! Another chance of snow is being rumoured for tomorrow night! No wonder everyone has the Flu. God have mercy on us all.

The only thing I can't figure out, is why he feels he needs to be completely naked to use the potty...... Who's kid is this?
THIS is how you encourage your MAN-CHILD to use the potty..... I'm confident he will use this skill the rest of his life.
The only thing I can't figure out, is why he feels he needs to be completely naked to use the potty...... Who's kid is this?
And in case you are wondering, I'm fairly certain that I will not stop posting potentially embarrassing photos of Mr.Bryson any time soon.
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