I love him like crazy and he drives me crazy.
Its just big crazy fun. I love getting to know his almost 3 year old mind, and seeing everything brand new through him. I'm so thankful that God made him especially for us, and pray that we will be found trustworthy of His gift. Its just unreasonable to be a part of something so amazing, so beyond me. I'm more convinced than ever that God gives us kids so we can see Him better, trust Him more and understand His love as much as humanly possible.
I concede that my mom knows more about mothering than I do! She gets smarter with every question I ask her.........and for all of her strengths and weaknesses, I am a better wife and mother. Thank you, mom, for being a great example of a mother......for teaching me to have so much fun with my son while being an example to him. You're a rock star of a mom. I love you....more than my luggage!
As Bryson said to me all day yesterday....and still today....Happy Mudder's Day to all of you moms, expecting moms, or moms expecting to expect!! :)
Thanks baby, I love you more than you will ever know. You are a great mom and I pray you continue to trust God with every minute of all your childrens lives. You see - I am able to see in the future.
Continue on the path you are on - following in the Lords footprints.
wow...that kinda made a little tear in the tip of my eye form. it didn't turn out to be real, but i'm really excited about being a mommie one day like you, wamber
It's the best job in the world and the ONLY one I would work so hard at and not get paid....with money, that is!! =)
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