Thursday, October 2, 2008

Picture Pages......

Does anyone remember that Bill Cosby kids show?? I loved the 'picture pages' segment. Anywho, I'm not here to bore you with my childhood memories. I have exciting news..... My camera has finally found its way out of the bottom of my purse! YAY! Since I last posted a picture of our only begotten on here, I have taken 76 pictures. No way am I posting all of them!
But I will post some of my favorites.

On a side note, my 3 year old boy is now in 4T pants. Can I object to that??? It breaks my heart in senseless ways every time I get him dressed. I'm so pathetic! I'm gonna need a $700 billion bailout for his winter wardrobe! :)

On to the pics.....

Bryson and Tatem before their slumber party even started!

Bryson got to see his cousin, Holden, play football at SMU (not for SMU, he's only 8). Bryson LOVED it and let me know that when he turns 4 he will be playing football! Thanks for the warning!

Just wrestling a longhorn for our Aggie friends!!

On daddy's day off we went to the splash park by our house....

3-point stance, with a little plumber action happening!


"hiding" from dad.....

What else are you suppose to do with a hot dog a restaurant??

Before our flight to AR.....forever ago, just thought this was cute!

1 comment:

Ben and Bethany said...

finally some pictures of the cutest boy in Texas!