Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fruit Roll-up

I'm sure every mom thinks their child is brilliant. But my boy.....well......he continues to prove his specialness.

This is a conversation I had with him about an hour ago.

Mom: Bryson, wanna eat a fruit roll up? (knowing this will be his first roll-up, I totally think he can handle it)
Bryson: Momma, you're so nice.
Mom: I need a kiss first
Bryson: How about later?
Mom: NOW

After about 5 minutes of him snacking on his roll-up, I go to check on him and see that there are holes in the paper part of this fructose filled snack.

Bryson: I know. Can we go look for rollie-pollie's outside?

Oh lawd! My kid eats paper.....and likes it!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Wedding Weekend!!

Whew! We had a full weekend. Thursday afternoon we headed to Houston with Rob, Amy and Treyman for Tim and Lydia's wedding, which the boys were in. When we arrived, we headed straight to the tux place to try on the 'fancy suits', as Bryson called it. As soon as I buttoned the top button on Bryson's shirt he started making this gagging sound and telling me he was choking. Good times!

Everything fit good, so we headed to Nanna and Pop's house for a little visit, then we went to our hotel for the night. Friday morning we returned to N and P's for some fine family fun....and the boys did some swimming even though their lips were blue and their teeth were chattering because the water was a little chilly.

I was able to sneak away for about an hour to have lunch with Kimberly and Nancy, who are some precious friends. I was so glad to see them and get to visit. Thanks again, girls!

After an easy afternoon we headed to rehearsal. Fabulous rehearsal. The boys did so good. Then we went to Pappadeaux for the dinner! YUM!! Bryson and Trey worked the room like nobody's bidness!! It was too cute.

The wedding came and the boys knocked it out like champs. They were ADORABLE. This was Bryson's first wedding to be in and he did so good. Bryson was the ring bearer and Trey was the 'bell ringer'......if you asked Bryson what Trey's job was he would tell you 'he's the dinger'. Trey was such a good cousin to show Bryson exactly what to do. They are both getting so big.

At the reception, Trey and Bryson were the main occupiers of the dance floor. We did the Cha-Cha Slide and both boys looked like rock stars. They have rhythm that neither of them got from their dads!!!

We had so much fun celebrating with Tim and Lydia. They are precious to our family, and we pray God's favor on their marriage.

Random fact about Houston: You have to chew the air in order to breathe.......God bless the people who live in Houston.......they should all carry around oxygen bottles! :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mudder's Day

Simply put, I am crazy about my son.
I love him like crazy and he drives me crazy.
Its just big crazy fun. I love getting to know his almost 3 year old mind, and seeing everything brand new through him. I'm so thankful that God made him especially for us, and pray that we will be found trustworthy of His gift. Its just unreasonable to be a part of something so amazing, so beyond me. I'm more convinced than ever that God gives us kids so we can see Him better, trust Him more and understand His love as much as humanly possible.

I concede that my mom knows more about mothering than I do! She gets smarter with every question I ask her.........and for all of her strengths and weaknesses, I am a better wife and mother. Thank you, mom, for being a great example of a mother......for teaching me to have so much fun with my son while being an example to him. You're a rock star of a mom. I love you....more than my luggage!

As Bryson said to me all day yesterday....and still today....Happy Mudder's Day to all of you moms, expecting moms, or moms expecting to expect!! :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I am officially the most bummed out I've ever been. and now that I've typed that, the other shoe will soon be falling :)
For the last couple of months, which have been hard in and of themselves, I have had my sights set on June 18th. That may be just another day to you....(or maybe its your anniversary, nikki).... But to me it was the day that one of my life-long dreams would come true - and by 'life-long, I mean the last two years. Same thing, right!

My superhero of a sister had a business trip to New Jersey planned, so she invited me to go and thought it was be fun if we ran into THE CITY (yeah, NYC) to see the Broadway musical WICKED...... which I have not seen......and happened to be obsessed with. I was so excited I might have peed my pants when she proposed the idea. I told my husband of our plans and booked my flight with great anticipation.......

Then yesterday happened.......

The following is the transcript of the text messages in which Amy killed my dreams....

Amy: Sad news...can't go to NYC anymore.
Amber: (inner monologue: am I seeing this right? could this be true? did she just break my heart in a text message? there's not even a text frowny face there? is it April fool's day?)
Amber: WHY??????????
Amy: They don't want us going for cross-training there
Amber: (Who is "They" and why do "They" hate me?) What's a musical lovin' girl to do - I've already booked my "they" have no heart??
Amy: You can call and cancel it and use your miles for another trip.

Yeah, that happened.
I'll be sitting here with my hard hat on, waiting for the other stiletto to fall if anyone needs me.

Have a lovely day