Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Aren't these some scary looking pirates!! If you can't tell, Bryson is Jack Sparrow, Nathan is Goofy and Trey is Mickey.

Quick story:

Bryson did a 'first' today. When he woke up from his nap he kept talking about 'seeing' something. I quickly figured out that he had a dream during his nap. He said that he was running away from a little tiny (his exact words, while holding up his fingers to show me how 'tiny') elephants. Then he said he stopped running from them because they just wanted to play with his toys!

I laughed so hard. My child makes friends with elephants.....I love it!!

Here's what you do with extra tortillas!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bryson and friends...

Just riding in the car with his shades on....with his 'friends' beside him.

His two BEST friends....Puppy and 'other puppy'

The cleaner 'puppy' was meant to be a replacement for the dirty puppy. Long story short, that didn't happen. We were leaving Amy and Rob's house and uncle Rob decided to shove Bryson's friends up his shirt and he wouldn't take them out. I'm pretty sure he would've slept like that if we would've allowed it!
A funny story from Christmas time that was deleted from a previous post that I'm not mad about anymore.........
We went to a Christmas candlelight/communion service at my parent's church. It was lovely. We took communion together as a family down front and when the pastor was passing the crackers Bryson said 'hey, can I have a snack?'....yeah he did. Then when we were done singing and candlelighting the pastor prayed and once he said 'amen', everyone blew out there candles which prompted Bryson to stand up and yell "WE DID IT!!" All eyes on the little blonde-headed kid who would've been in the nursery if it wouldn've been provided! I think Jesus probably got a little giggle from that!
Have a great week!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

A Spring Teaser

At last check it was 74 degrees in Allen,TX!! We couldn't help ourselves.....we had to spend some time at the park! Here are some pics of the sunny fun!

Running from Dad...



He wore us out with his running!

Teaching his buddy Steve how to spell!

Isaiah 9:6

This was Bryson's memory verse for the Christmas season! He learned it really quickly and loved to 'perform' it for everyone. So, even if you've heard it before, ENJOY!!

Isn't he precious?!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Weaver Christmas Vacation

Disclaimer: This post is a wreck! I just spent the last two hours working up a grand blog, only to accidentally delete it and become furious with all things Blog! We had a wonderful vacation.....and if I'm in the mood, I'll post more later!
Enjoy the pics!

Oh, and have a blessed 2008!