Monday, April 14, 2008

"Put Your Hands Where I Can See Them"

Its My Birthday!!! YAY! I love birthdays, they're my favorite!

My first birthday gift came last Friday from the Allen Police Department. In 25 years I could actually say that I was perfect at something...Driving. No tickets. ZERO. Then, out of nowhere, Mr. Dream killer woke up from his nap in his cruiser to catch me going 56 in a 45. Curse those radar guns!
Bryson thought it was fun that we had a visitor in the middle of the road. When the gentleman came to my window Bryson hollered (cause thats the only way Bryson can talk) "Hey mom, can I talk to that guy?" To which I said "only if you will ask him to spare my life, bank account, and perfect driving record". The cop thought that was funny........but not funny enough. I'm obviously losing my gift.
It put me in such a bad mood. Apparently God was sifting some pride that I held about my perfect driving.
Thanks God.
Point taken.

Drive safely everyone!


Kama said...

Such a sad story!! :( So sad to tarnish your perfect record! HAPPY BIRTHDAY anyway!

Hester 5 said...

Well, in Texas, you know that was bound to happen sooner or later! Love your blog! Your little man is getting not so little anymore!!