Friday, September 19, 2008

Not For Mommies.....

The weather has been ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL lately. I'm thinking Fall could actually be a possibility this year in North Texas!! Woohoo!
So, Mr. Bryson and I have had quite a bit of playtime outside this week. We've been playing ourselves silly in the backyard and having so much fun. He was swinging the other day, wanting to push him so high "so I can see the Americal flag over there" (our neighbors have an American flag....he's just learned the pledge so he's all about it....another blog, another time). After about five minutes, and my biceps burning from pushing him, he decides its his turn to push me. How sweet, I thought.
I sit down, he tries to push me with all his 3 year old might......I don't budge. He stepped back and said "Um, I just fink this swing isn't for mommies"......"MY TURN".

How cute, right?

Yeah, well don't think I'm above showing a preschooler how high his mommy can swing! I'm shameless.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rebellion Is Bound In The Heart Of A Child....

One word: OREOS

One delicious little cookie that causes a three year old to stumble in his quest for obedience.

Bryson and his daddy share a special bond that involves Oreos. I'm not a huge fan of them, but its cute to watch them inhale and entire package in one sitting. Oh, I kid......sort of.

Bryson knows that we can't have Oreos all the time. They are a special reward.
So, the other morning he comes into my room with Oreos all over his mouth and this is our conversation that followed.....

Me: (I'm just looking at him like 'you've got to be kidding me')
Bryson: Mama, I didn't get the Oreos, I was just checkin' on ' make sure them was safe.
Me: Really? Bryson, whats all over your face?
Bryson: Well, I just got a little bit dirty. (And then he ran out of the room).

Lucky for him, my rod of correction was lost in the move.
Help me, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Familiar Chaos......

After almost eight months of upheaval, I'm starting to see a hint of familiarity. Although, I'm not exactly sure what it is that looks so familiar. Bryson sleeping in his own bed? (Can I get an 'Amen') Conversation not completely consumed with 'freaking out'? Looking up for five seconds to notice that my world is actually not falling apart? I'm gonna go with D - All of the Above. Whatever the reason, a change of season is coming.....and I'm thankful. Not because I know that sunshine and roses is all that lies ahead, but because I am increasingly aware of where we've been and who has brought us through. I know this is vague...and that's on purpose. I am admittedly horrible with vulnerability. But I just need to express my gratitude to some VERY special people who saw passed that and have been a very present help in a certain time of need.

Thanks is not enough.....but your love is.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Aaaaaaand We're Back......

I'm so sorry I've been giving y'all the silent treatment for the past couple of weeks. I haven't broken up with you..... Its not you...Its me ....I hope we can still be friends.

Over the past week we have played house swap with two other families. Now, I know none of you can relate to this, but I tend to not have an abundance of faith when it comes to uncertain circumstances..(i.e. my life)...and these 'circumstances' tend to happen every five minutes. What?? Am I missing a point here?? :)
Just listen to how good God is at His job....its just like Him to show off like this....
So, our lease was about to be up in our apartment. Our apartment was lovely, but I did NOT want to renew our lease. We need a yard. Time was running out, and my hair was falling out from a little bit of stress. Just a little bit. I'm pretty sure I was 10 minutes away from Shingles. Not good.
Then....guess what just so happened.....(short version)...The M's bought a house; The V's move to the M's abode; The Weavers (that's US) move to the V's house.
YAY! ....and we all lived happily ever after...for five more minutes

Bryson doesn't quite understand whats going on yet....he thinks we're having a really long slumber party at TreyMan's house. Bless his heart. But he loves playing in the backyard in his underwear. He's such a boy!

I'm tired and sore from moving all of our life's, I'm gonna go try to take a night time nap.