Mommy Dearest,
Thank you for making room in your womb for me, even though you thought you had stopped at two kids! I really appreciate it!
Having four kids, I know you sometimes had to adjust your mothering style to accommodate your, um, unique children. For me, being the 3rd... the middle... the odd one... the Only Forgotten, this is how it looked from my point of view.....
Your arms always held me at a moment of need or nurture. Your mouth was always ready to give a word of encouragement or advice, as well as breakout into a song from your favorite musical. Your heart was always positioned to give every ounce of love you had at any given moment. Your hands helped me up off the floor in times of personal pain and struggle. Your laugh helped me find mine.
You've taught me to pursue the joy that God offers in this life. You introduced me to Jesus. Is there any greater thing you could have done?
You've been transparent enough to let me learn from your mistakes, and that is a true gift to me. In my book, that makes you a Warrior-mom. Determined to see some family traits die, that freedom might be found!!
You've taught me more than you'll ever know, and your job isn't even close to being over!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom.
I love you, more than my luggage! :)
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