Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wedding Recap

Mr. Bryson, as his pirate alter ego, on his way to the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weaver....and Mr. Handsome
To borrow a line from Christ...."It Is Finished"!!!
The wedding weekend has come and gone and the newlyweds are well on there way to marital bliss....or so they think!! I kid. They are fabulous, and I could not be more excited that Whitney is my new sister-in-law.
Mr. Bryson was the ring bearer for this blessed event. He was adorable. Seriously, so stinkin' cute. He was highly motivated to perform as directed by some brand new Batman toys that he could only get after the wedding, if he did a good job. And by a good job I mean not standing on stage and talking loudly. The kid does not quit talking and came without a volume button.....so, I was hesitant to get my hopes up.
He had to be there at 3pm ready to take pictures. The wedding didn't start until 5:30pm. So I did what any good (pregnant) mother would do. I left him with his dad and totally bailed!! I did manage to say a little prayer that his blood sugar would stay at the right level for him to avoid a catastrophic melt down. I know, mother of the year!
I came back to the church around 5ish to find that he was still alive and cute in his suit. Praise God! I sent him down the isle with two of the cutest little girls, then went to my seat to hold my breath and see what he would do.....
The hubs was the best man, so that gave Mr. Bryson a direct target to walk to. Perfection. Nailed it! Nathan said Bryson was winking at Nick while he was walking toward him. How cute is that! When Whitney walked down to meet Nick and everyone stood up, it apparently confused Bryson a little so he had to find out what was going on. He stepped out in front of the pastor to get a better view of Whitney. It was really sweet. He loves his Whitney.
After that, he lasted about two minutes and after asking his dad to hold him, Nathan pointed him to me, where he sat out the rest of the wedding. So he never actually made it up on stage, but he was a trooper.....and WORN OUT!
The reception was quick and lovely, then the couple headed to Memphis for the night.....only to be greeted by six of their friends, hubs included, who drove the 2.5 hours to get some much deserved payback!
I know I'm not Jewish....but I wish I were...So, Mazel Tov to the newlyweds!!