Sunday, October 11, 2009

Her Highness Has Arrived


Emma Lynn Weaver was born September 22, 2009 at 5:32pm 8lbs 6oz 19.5 in.

Mom, Dad and brother are absolutely in love.....all over again!

Thank you to everyone who was able to come share in Emma's birth with us! We had a blast.
As I get little moments to myself, I'll try to hop on here and post pics. But moments to myself are few and far between right now! Here's hoping!

Monday, August 3, 2009


My Mr. Bryson,
So, I'm a little over a month late documenting your fourth birthday on this blog. My only excuse is that mommy is a thousand months pregnant right now with your little sister, and its hard to move around, think and blog. So I save all of my momminess for you live and in person, which you probably won't remember, but that's neither here nor there!

FOUR?? Really?

Over the last year you have really come into your own. Your personality is off the charts adorable. You talk ALL the time, about anything and everything. You probably say my name about 50,000 times a day, and while that can make me want to scream a lot, I'm so thankful that I get to be the one you call 'mama'. Your imagination is in full swing from the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night.....and sometimes in the middle of the night! We are dealing with a lot of uncertainty in our little family right now, but so far you seem unaffected. You completely amaze me with how you adapt to your many environments!

You have fallen more in love with your daddy in the last year, and I couldn't be more proud. You want to do everything like daddy, be as big as daddy, walk like daddy, talk like daddy, fish like daddy, get dirty like daddy! And as well you should. Be like your daddy, Bryson!!!

In about a month you will meet your baby sister! We are all so excited. You have been so sweet throughout her time in mama's belly. You talk to her every day. You tell her who you are and that you love her so much, and that you will take care of her. I'm really excited to teach you how to make bottles and change diapers!! Hopefully, you'll catch on quick! The other day, you brought me a color sheet of a little girl and said you were going to color it for Emma. I told you I thought that was so sweet, then a few hours later I asked you why you hadn't colored it yet. Your response: "Mama, I don't know what hers looks like yet". I should've known!

You are really impressing me with how smart you are. You are learning to write your name. You are very interested in letters and numbers, and are already doing well with recognition of both. I love to hear you 'read'. You know those letters are saying something, and what you make up is always a million times better than what is on the page! Smart boy!

I can't wait to see what this next year holds for you. I'm so excited to see you being a big brother to Emma. She is going to be crazy about you.

Here's to FOUR, Mr. Bryson!
You are the complete joy of your mommy and daddy. We love and enjoy you more than you will ever know!
But I'm secretly hoping that 5 won't come as quickly as 4 did! Fat chance, I know!

I love you more,

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wedding Recap

Mr. Bryson, as his pirate alter ego, on his way to the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weaver....and Mr. Handsome
To borrow a line from Christ...."It Is Finished"!!!
The wedding weekend has come and gone and the newlyweds are well on there way to marital bliss....or so they think!! I kid. They are fabulous, and I could not be more excited that Whitney is my new sister-in-law.
Mr. Bryson was the ring bearer for this blessed event. He was adorable. Seriously, so stinkin' cute. He was highly motivated to perform as directed by some brand new Batman toys that he could only get after the wedding, if he did a good job. And by a good job I mean not standing on stage and talking loudly. The kid does not quit talking and came without a volume, I was hesitant to get my hopes up.
He had to be there at 3pm ready to take pictures. The wedding didn't start until 5:30pm. So I did what any good (pregnant) mother would do. I left him with his dad and totally bailed!! I did manage to say a little prayer that his blood sugar would stay at the right level for him to avoid a catastrophic melt down. I know, mother of the year!
I came back to the church around 5ish to find that he was still alive and cute in his suit. Praise God! I sent him down the isle with two of the cutest little girls, then went to my seat to hold my breath and see what he would do.....
The hubs was the best man, so that gave Mr. Bryson a direct target to walk to. Perfection. Nailed it! Nathan said Bryson was winking at Nick while he was walking toward him. How cute is that! When Whitney walked down to meet Nick and everyone stood up, it apparently confused Bryson a little so he had to find out what was going on. He stepped out in front of the pastor to get a better view of Whitney. It was really sweet. He loves his Whitney.
After that, he lasted about two minutes and after asking his dad to hold him, Nathan pointed him to me, where he sat out the rest of the wedding. So he never actually made it up on stage, but he was a trooper.....and WORN OUT!
The reception was quick and lovely, then the couple headed to Memphis for the night.....only to be greeted by six of their friends, hubs included, who drove the 2.5 hours to get some much deserved payback!
I know I'm not Jewish....but I wish I were...So, Mazel Tov to the newlyweds!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Blog-cation is OVER.....

Sorry to abandon you like that for....several months.

I've learned that to blog, you need something to say. But for the last several months I haven't really been in the mood to talk. You're in luck now, though, because I have so much to say I can hardly contain myself.....or think of a coherent way to convey it. This should be fun!!

Rather than try to bore you with a play-by-play of the last few months, I've decided that a Top Ten of sorts would suffice.

Here goes nothing.....

10. Mr. Bryson developed a special 'gift' and prophesied that puppies would show up so he could play with them. The next morning six puppies showed up in the yard. SIX!! Craziness!

9. The hubs enlisted in the Texas Air National Guard and we are currently waiting to find out his Basic Training date. DRAMA!

8. Temporarily moved to Arkansas while waiting for said Basic date. Was only suppose to be roughly a month.......we are now in our third month here. God Help!!

7. Found out we are expecting #2!!! And remembering that God's timing is perfect.

6. Mr. Bryson completed his first year of proud of him!

5. Threw up for 3 months straight. You're welcome.

4. Marrying off the hub's brother! He's picked a winner! Precious girl!

3. Confirmed that living far away from my mama is not such a good thing. Lesson learned, can we move on now??

2. Two words....Poison Ivy. That's all the detail you need!

1. We found out #2 is a GIRL!!! Her Highness will be born in September!!

That's the gist of it!
Be back soon....Promise!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Years Resolutions....

Okay, I'm just going to get it all out of the way now......with a little twist.
Seeing as how every year I say "oh, I'm not going to make any resolutions this year", but then I secretly do (a secret from who, you ask?? YOU!). And then I secretly break them. No, I secretly dig them a grave and secretly bury them! Who knew I was so secretive!

Well, this year I'm pretty sure I can keep all of them or....break some bad habits. Either way, I won't feel like a total loser.

Now for my list:

1. Gain weight
2. Consume as many Diet Cokes in one day as humanly possible
3. Excuse my grumpiness, no matter what day of the month it is
4. Become more of the problem, not the solution, to Global Warming. My hair care alone could be at fault. I'm just saying...
5. Recognize the answers to everyone else's problems but my own
6. Be more bossy
7. Be disgustingly self-involved
8. Worry a little bit more
9. Assume everyone already knows how much I love them and act accordingly
10. Keep my spiritual feet planted firmly in the mud they currently reside in....and not grow a bit
11. Realize I'm the perfect wife and mother
12. Go ahead and write that parenting/marriage book to help all of the other struggling people in the world
13. Stop making lists
14. Never use coupons
15. Understand that kindness is overrated

......And there you have it!
Here's hoping for a big fat failure.....according to my list!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New Year....

It is finished!!!
2008, that is!!!

I don't know about you, but the Weaver household is leaving'08 where it belongs and pressing on towards a blessed and exciting '09.
The holidays for us were filled with tons of family time, fun with friends and watching one little boy be the center of attention at all times. Just as it should be!

We've got several big things going on for our family at the moment, and we would so love and appreciate your prayers! We are eager to see God get into our 'bidness' like we've never known!!

I'll post again soon with hopefully funnier content about Mr. Bryson!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!