Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Cure All
People, my kid is a FREAK about band-aids. Just this summer alone we've gone through about eight boxes. He has often been known to put band-aids on his moles....for lack of real boo-boos. The other day I hear Bryson whine a little from the other room, then he tells himself "oh, I meed a band-aid". Obviously be bumped his head on something.......or he didn't. He's getting creative with his bandaging........this was his first uni-brow incident.
Now, join me in some praise when I tell you that his eyebrows stayed in their rightful place upon removal of the magic band-aid.
Now, join me in some praise when I tell you that his eyebrows stayed in their rightful place upon removal of the magic band-aid.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
God Is Strong
So, a couple of Sundays ago I picked up Mr. Bryson from his class. He had a necklace on, that I assume was the craft for the day.....because nothing says 'hey, I just came from church' like a good macaroni craft. I digress. The necklace, in all it's macaroni glory, had a piece of construction paper on it that said 'God Is Strong'. Being the good mother that I am, I proceeded to interrogate the Mr to see what he had learned that day.....and also to make sure his teachers were doctrinally sound.
Our conversation was as follows:
Me: Hey buddy, what did you learn in church today?
Bryson: I learned about God and Jesus.
Me: (so far, so good teachers)....what did you learn about God?
Bryson: (Blank stare) I meed to go potty.
Me: Okay, did you learn that God is strong? (helping a toddler out- pointing to the craft)
Bryson: Yep
Me: How is God strong?
Bryson: Him keelt some guy, He's big and strong. (While showing me his muscles)
Me: Well, maybe next Sunday......
Our conversation was as follows:
Me: Hey buddy, what did you learn in church today?
Bryson: I learned about God and Jesus.
Me: (so far, so good teachers)....what did you learn about God?
Bryson: (Blank stare) I meed to go potty.
Me: Okay, did you learn that God is strong? (helping a toddler out- pointing to the craft)
Bryson: Yep
Me: How is God strong?
Bryson: Him keelt some guy, He's big and strong. (While showing me his muscles)
Me: Well, maybe next Sunday......
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
And Then......
Apparently I was not prepared for life with a three year old..... or maybe its just a coincidence that I have been able to accomplish absolutely nothing in the past week and a half.
Your everyday Superhero....
The latest addition to his collection
There may have been adults in the bounce house......
Before I brief you on the birthday extravaganza, I have to tell you about last Tuesday. Its taken me a week to recover.
Okay, so we all know how wonderful Mr. Bryson is..right? Right. Well, if my memory is correct (I've tried to block it out) last Tuesday was an 18 hour meltdown from Hades. Mr. Bryson is not prone to meltdowns......whining, yes.....meltdowns, NO. Which also means that his parents are not use to 'parenting' during said meltdowns. I really need to brush up on my mommy toughness, and maybe read through some Dobson books again. There was screaming, whaling, gnashing of teeth.....and that was just from me! Thankfully, the storm passed after about 12 time-outs and some very serious tone-age of voice. Praise Jesus, my sweet boy returned the next morning!! And you will all be happy to know he gives me a heads up on what kind of boy he's going to be for the day! So far its been "mommy, I'm probably just gonna be a good boy today". WHEW!!!
Okay, enough of that. Here are some pictures from happier times! Thanks to Meme & Papa and Aunt Vickie & Uncle Kyle for hosting the great toddler invasion! We love you so much.
Your everyday Superhero....
The latest addition to his collection
There may have been adults in the bounce house......
The Meems....she's the greatest!
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