My baby is 3!
How in the world has time flown so fast? It seems like he should be five minutes old, and I should still be giddy from my epidural. God bless that magic juice!! At the same time, I feel like I've known him forever. Was there life before this precious tot came to join us? I can barely remember it.
I remember when I met Jesus. I remember some of high school and college. I remember getting married. I remember parts of our first two years of marriage.......then, I remember seeing that ONE pill I missed. Praise God for forgetfulness!
You know how women tend to be a little hormonal when the preggo-ness sets in? I was completely irrational. Most women, from what I hear, have common fears like if their baby will be healthy, a decent member of society, etc. My two biggest fears were that my baby would have no personality and it would be ugly. If you'd seen my baby pictures you would understand why I feared the latter. Don't judge me!
In my third trimester, my doctor had a feeling that something might be wrong with Bryson's heart. It was shaped weird, could cause problems, yada, yada, yada. I never really worried about it - which was even more irrational. I knew God was the creator of that tiny man's heart, and He alone would inspect, diagnose and cure. My doctor made me go have one of those 4D Ultrasounds done with 'the Specialist'. I feel like I need that title! So, Nathan loaded me and my 60 lb. belly into the car and headed to our 'Special' doctor...for our 'Special' baby. That was the day I became completely worthless. When that picture popped up on the T.V. screen, it felt like Bryson reached up and grabbed my heart and hasn't let go since. There was nothing wrong with his heart.....he just wanted us to get a better look at him. Those cheeks!! It looked like Casper the Friendly ghost was in my belly! Those lips! I couldn't wait to kiss them! We only had to wait a few more weeks to meet him.
I feel like I should inject a show of public gratitude to my husband for enduring nine months of my craziness.....okay, its more like five years of it but whatever! Nathan, you are my favorite man! Thank you for loving me in all my madness......and thank you for that little man. You are an incredible father. I love how you love our son. You are our hero!
On June 22nd, from the moment Bryson was born, my former fears held no merit. He was and is the cutest, most lively and funny beings I have ever met. His sanguine personality rivals my own, which makes me one proud mama, and keeps his daddy cracking up. Those of you who know him, know that he makes an audience of anyone he encounters. He is the pure JOY of his parents. The delight of his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and buddies.
I do understand that every mother in the world feels this way about their children. I don't think my boy is better than any other little boy......I'm just so glad I got this one.
Speaking of being my joy, as I am typing this he just let me know that he 'keelt a bug in the udder room' with my Blackberry. JOY, people......pure joy.
I just can't wait to meet his possible brothers and sisters.
No, I'm not......but thanks for wondering! :)
Happy Birthday Mr. Bryson!