Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Okay, I'm over being mad about my speeding ticket, so I can blog again.

First things first.....

Jodi and I have a new BFF......Josh Turner, yeah- the country music singer. All I have to say is Good Times!!! And he love Jesus which makes him even better! Thank you Jodi for taking me! Love, love, love you!

And on to Mr. Bryson......He's been in rare form lately. Every sentence starts with 'Once upon a time when I was a little boy......". Its hilarious watching his little mind work. We took a trip to Arkansas last weekend and had fun with the fam. We even got to see the Newtons, who we haven't seen since we moved! It was really good to see them and play for a bit. If I was smart I would've taken a picture to post.....maybe next time.

Here are some random pics and such.....

We were at Target with Clyde and Kiki....trying on hats.

Practicing being a Planet his cute little undies!
Because he's about to be 3......and I'm sad....

Monday, April 14, 2008

"Put Your Hands Where I Can See Them"

Its My Birthday!!! YAY! I love birthdays, they're my favorite!

My first birthday gift came last Friday from the Allen Police Department. In 25 years I could actually say that I was perfect at something...Driving. No tickets. ZERO. Then, out of nowhere, Mr. Dream killer woke up from his nap in his cruiser to catch me going 56 in a 45. Curse those radar guns!
Bryson thought it was fun that we had a visitor in the middle of the road. When the gentleman came to my window Bryson hollered (cause thats the only way Bryson can talk) "Hey mom, can I talk to that guy?" To which I said "only if you will ask him to spare my life, bank account, and perfect driving record". The cop thought that was funny........but not funny enough. I'm obviously losing my gift.
It put me in such a bad mood. Apparently God was sifting some pride that I held about my perfect driving.
Thanks God.
Point taken.

Drive safely everyone!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Marathon? What Marathon?

Hello to all five viewers of this blog! Bless all of your hearts, and thanks for stopping by! Sorry about being AWOL lately. I've been very busy with Bryson and visitors and taking naps......I think naps are a gift from God.

So, yesterday was the Big D Marathon. Amy and I were lacing up around 5:45am (on a Sunday morning, people) and sort of ready to go. This was our first attempt at anything this crazy, and I'm fairly certain that if you said the word 'marathon' to Amy right now, she would throw up on you. That's how much she loved it! Keep in mind we only did the half-marathon. So, at 7:30am we had 13.something miles ahead of us and we planned to tackle them one baby-step at a time, like champs. It was chilly outside, which was a huge blessing, no sunshine and lots of nice people cheering us on along the way. We walked our little booties off around the cutest neighborhoods, White Rock lake and charming little parks. We even ventured into the Projects a little. Good thing Amy brought her 9mm and I had my sling shot!! :) Don't worry, we didn't have to use them!

I have to say that I am enormously proud of Amy for doing this. She's always been our 'indoors' girl, so she literally went outside of her box to accomplish this task. She's a rock star in my book! Good job sis!

How did we do, you ask? Well, 3 hours and 50 minutes later we crossed the finish line and collected our medals. I was pretty sure we were going to get one of those flowery wreaths they give the winning horse at the Kentucky Derby, but whatever. Nathan, Bryson, Trey and Rob met us at the finish line with wheelchairs to take us to the hospital......or the car, same thing. Maybe they didn't have wheelchairs, I was in a delusional state by then. The next thing I remember is taking some ibuprofen and slipping off into a deep deep sleep.......and it was glorious!

If you feel the need to give us a standing ovation right there at your computer, go ahead - no one's looking!